Supporting your child
At Coastal Developmental Paediatrics each doctor will endeavour to create a supportive team working in collaboration with you and the network of supports around your child and your family. Providing optimal Paediatric Care to your child requires a respectful and trusting relationship between us (your Paediatrician and administration staff here), and you (parents, your child and family). As part of this relationship we each have a role to play in order for your child to receive the best possible care, and for the Paediatricians and support staff to be able to sustain their quality, professional care.
The following behaviours are required of all parents/ carers of children under medical care at this practice:
- Respectful behaviour when interacting with all staff in the practice (whether communicating on the phone or in person), as per a zero tolerance policy for abusive language or behaviour (please see our website 'Policies - Respect for all').
- Honesty in reporting your child's symptoms, environmental and any other factors that may impact your child's presentation.
- To follow the recommendations of your Paediatrician regarding administration of medications, and the need for reviews by the Paediatrician or your child's GP whilst on medication.
- Provision of medication to your child only in the way it has been prescribed, unless discussed with your Paediatrician.
- A commitment to monitor and record the impact of medications, seek feedback from others involved in your child's care (eg. school teachers, other carers), and arrange any questionnaires or medication record forms to be completed that your Paediatrician has requested, in the required timeframe.
Please support the Coastal Developmental Paediatrics administration team by providing reception staff with the following:
- Notify of any changes in your contact details or primary care GP
- Provide at least 2 full business days notice of any cancellations of the appointment (fees apply for late cancellations) and reschedule as soon as possible, to enable appropriate follow-up care to be provided for your child.
- Notify regarding your arrangements to obtain Paediatric care elsewhere, in the event of your cancelling appointments or your child's care arrangements with us.
- N.B. If your Paediatrician is concerned about your child not having adequate follow-up care or review arrangements made when an appointment is cancelled by you, they may get in contact with you, your GP or request that further follow-up is arranged in order to ensure an appropriate ongoing care plan is maintained for the wellbeing and safety of your child.
For separated parents:
- Please keep animosity away from your child and their appointment, put the child's needs first, and resolve any disagreements about your child’s assessments, recommended medications or treatment and payment for consults, outside of the clinic setting and not in front of your child. Please see this website under 'Children of Separated Families' for further information.